Wednesday, August 20, 2008

APT Blood Borne Pathogens Course a success!

As you might know, yesterday Peggy gave the Alliance of Professional Tattooists course and exam for the first time in Hawai’i. It went very well, although was just a bit challenging for those of us taking it! About 10 folks from Dept. of Health and Sanitation observed (but left before the test). Heather Lusk with the infectious disease division of DOH, and Hawaii's CDC representative, was present and provided free Hepatitis B vaccines. I think it was a real success on many levels. All passed the exam. Many, according to Peggy, passed with flying colors! A fantastic free lunch was provided by CVS pharmacy. The high attendance proves that many tattooists have the motivation and interest to further their knowledge and learn more about hygiene and disease. Since it was a full house, the course will be repeated here for those that were unable to attend.

Contact Peggy ( if you’d like to be notified of future dates, including off-island dates.

If you are still in need of Hep B vaccines, contact Heather Lusk, ( to make arrangements. If there are several of you, it may be possible for her to come do it at your shop.