Friday, January 2, 2009

Update-- early January

Aloha all!

Nothing has been posted here for some time, as there has been no major news to report.

Perhaps the most important recent development is that Heather Lusk with the Dept. of Heath, Infectious Disease Branch has provided the Dept. of Health and Sanitation (our licensing & permitting agency) with questions so that they can finally revise our required exam. Hopefully the new exam will be in place by the next testing date at the end of January. A new study guide should be available as a downloadable PDF file online. Many of us have been as concerned about our extremely outdated exam (written in 1981) as we have been about the need for revisions to the Statutes and Departmental Rules and Regulations. We are very pleased and thankful to Heather for her putting so much effort into this, and with Rex and his staff for realizing the need for revision and implementing the new exam so quickly.

Peggy and Sean both gave Power Point presentations at a conference for employees of the Department of Health in early December-- Peggy on tattoo, and Sean on other body modification. The conference was simply informative and included no discussion of the regulatory aspects or politics. Both presentations were very well received. We are very pleased that the Dept. of Health is including us in such events and conferences and we hope that this is the start of a good, cooperative working relationship.

As for the Legislative bills for 2009, we have nothing to report. Peggy, myself and Sean have met with house member John Mizuno several months ago, but have no real updates. Mizuno is still very enthusiastic about new bills to revise the current statute. As of yet, no bills have been drafted or submitted (to our knowledge). Since the holidays are now over & our Legislators are returning to their positions, we hope to get a much better idea of where things stand and will keep you informed

My best wishes for a happy, healthy new year!