Friday, April 25, 2008

General meeting Mon. 4/28 at 10 am

Our next general meeting will be Monday Apr. 28th at 10 am at Aisea's shop, Soul Signatures. Please come! We hope to vote in our representatives that will continue to work on statute/exam revisions, as well as other committees, such as a media team. Jas has also been invited to address the group on his proposed convention plans.

1 comment:

Tricia Allen said...

Official minutes are too long to post, but here's a brief summary:
21 tattooists were in attendance, and the primary focus was the issues of temporary permits and conventions. It was unanimously agreed upon that both should be allowed, with specific restrictions. Committees were also finalized and members voted in.

A committee meeting occured on May 1st, with Heather Lusk of the infectious disease branch of DOH with the purpose of finalizing our stance on the issues above, as well as discussing revisions of the DOH's Rules & Regulations re. tattoo.

Our suggested wording for our proposed bill in 2009 will read as follows:

§321-374 (c) Temporary licenses will be granted to visiting tattooists for a maximum of 14 days in any given calendar year, provided they meet any one of the following criteria:

(1) The tattoo artist must show proof to passing the blood borne pathogen course developed for the tattoo industry, such the Alliance of Professional Tattooists (APT) course, or

(2) The tattoo artist must show proof of passing an OSHA (or HIOSH) approved course on blood borne pathogens, with the required annual refresher courses, or

(3) The tattooist must have passed the Hawaii Department of Health tattoo artist’s examination.

(d) Temporary permits will be given for tattooing to occur outside of a licensed tattoo shop, for the purposes of trade shows and educational demonstrations, provided the following criteria are met:

(1) All standards set by professional tattooists associations for convention safety, and

(2) All standards and protocol required by OSHA (Standards 29 CFR 1910.1930) and/or HIOSH (Title 12, Part 8, Chapter 205.2).